不正当的性行为 and Harassment

任何形式的不当性行为,无论是在校内还是校外,都是不被容忍的 澳门赌场在线娱乐.

Sexual misconduct is a violation defined as any action in which one person forces another to engage in sexual activity against their will or without consent.

This page serves as a resource to inform students, faculty and staff about:

  • 与教育校园社区的项目有关的信息 prevention and issues surrounding sexual misconduct.
  • 为教职员工提供培训计划,为学生提供指导和帮助.
  • Conduct policies and procedures to adjudicate cases involving sexual misconduct.
  • Most importantly, support systems and resources for our students.
  • 不正当的性行为包括非自愿性交、非自愿性接触、性行为 剥削,伴侣暴力,跟踪和其他性行为 这是未经同意的,并用于胁迫,恐吓或威胁的目的 另一个人. Sexual misconduct can occur between people of the opposite sex or 同性的人.
    性骚扰通常可以定义为不受欢迎的性挑逗、性要求 为性行为和/或任何其他视觉,语言或身体的性行为 自然.
  • 性骚扰:任何不受欢迎的性挑逗(口头或身体上的),要求性帮助或 其他带有性性质的言语或身体行为被认为是性骚扰 服从或参与的行为是明示的或隐含的 a term or condition of an individual’s employment or educational achievement; or the 干扰或意图干扰学业或工作表现的行为; 或者该行为是否造成了恐吓、敌意或冒犯性的教育或工作 环境.
  1. Contact the Title IX Coordinator/Deputy Coordinators with the contact information listed below. A report may be made at any time (including 在非营业时间)通过电话,电子邮件,或实体邮件到办公室地址 listed for the Title IX Coordinator.
  2. 使用 网上报告表格. Employees can additionally access the University’s Confidential Reporting Mechanism.
  3. Report to the 澳门赌场在线娱乐 Police Department:

(570) 408-4999

澳门赌场在线娱乐为所有学生提供支持服务,包括,但不是 仅限于以下内容:


The Counseling Center provides confidential counseling.

More About the Counseling Center

Additional Support Services

  • Referral to counseling, medical, and/or other healthcare services.
  • 转介到社区服务提供者,如受害者资源中心和 Domestic Violence Service Center.
  • Visa and immigration assistance.
  • Student financial aid counseling.
  • Education to the community or community subgroup(s).
  • Altering campus housing assignment(s).
  • 安全计划.
  • Providing campus safety escorts.
  • Providing transportation accommodations.
  • Implementing contact limitations (no contact orders).
  • 学术支持,延长期限,或其他课程/项目相关的调整.
  • Trespass or Persona Non Grata (PNG) orders.
  • 与本地资源的连接,以获取有关如何获得防止滥用保护或的帮助 Sexual Violence Protection Order.
  • Class schedule modifications, withdrawals, or leaves of absence.
  • Increased security and monitoring of certain areas of the campus.


Students, Faculty and Staff can also choose off-campus support. 以下是资源 这是可以使用的.

根据教育法第九条,校园心理健康咨询师和健康服务人员不受限制 required to report incidents of sexual misconduct without a student’s consent. 因此 希望寻求校内保密支持的学生可以联系大学的 Health and Wellness Services Office located on the first floor of Passan Hall. 电话 570-408-4730 or email anita.burns@superlimona.com.

Students may also seek confidential counseling off campus at:

The 受害者资源中心
71 N. 富兰克林圣.

所有不在卫生和保健服务部门工作的教职员工 Office are designated by 澳门赌场在线娱乐 as “mandated reporters”. 澳门赌场在线娱乐手杖 或者被告知性行为不端的教职员工有义务 将事件报告给第九条协调员,学生事务或公共安全.

一旦事件被报告,投诉人将立即获得医疗、咨询、 保护服务. The Complainant will then meet with the Title IX Coordinator, 第九条副协调员或指定人员负责全面概述支持服务 and accommodations, such as protection from retaliation, no contact arrangements, reporting options, and University procedures.

投诉人可以选择提交正式投诉,这将使投诉人 the opportunity to select from a supportive and remedial response; an informal resolution; or a formal investigation and hearing process. You can learn more about the University’s 中的分辨率选项 the University's policies and procedures.

投诉人也可要求不追究正式投诉,或要求 University does not initiate further proceedings. In such cases, the Title IX Coordinator 是否会根据确保校园安全的职责来评估该请求 and to comply with state or federal law.

澳门赌场在线娱乐 offers the following educational programs and services that are designed to foster a safe living, learning and working 环境.

  1. 关于如何识别和适当报告性指控的培训项目 对那些可能在危机情况下遇到学生的人进行骚扰和性行为不端 或担任顾问或裁决职务,如住校助理 IX警官,治安官,一年级学生导师,部门主管, 学生事务紧急待命人员,以及第九条小组和司法部门的成员 委员会.
  2. 一个在线的健康教育和自我评估项目对所有新来的学生进行管理 一年级的学生,它讲述了他们与毒品和酒精有关的选择 with the connection between alcohol/drug use and sexual violence.
  3. 关于性骚扰和暴力的强制性大一新生迎新研讨会.
  4. A sexual harassment and violence brochure disseminated to all first-year students.
  5. On duty uniformed Public Safety Officers, 24 hours a day/7 days a week.
  6. 一个旁观者干预计划旨在为学生提供技能和 当目击到个人的情况时,有信心安全有效地进行干预 may be at risk of sexual violence.
  7. 学生事务紧急值班专业人员,每周7天,每天24小时.
  8. 从黄昏到黎明,在校园里任何地方都有公共安全官员的“安全护送”.
  9. 由几种通信方式组成的紧急社区通知系统 including, text messaging, printed fliers, and the 澳门赌场在线娱乐门户.
  10. An anonymous campus advisory extension to report information regarding safety and 安全问题.
  11. 自卫意识 & Familiarization Exchange (S.A.F.E.) – a voluntary educational 提高妇女意识的计划,旨在提供基本的自卫技能,以及 information to reduce the risk of sexual violence.

University-provided resources include:

所有不在卫生和保健服务部门工作的教职员工 Office are designated by 澳门赌场在线娱乐 as “mandated reporters.“一根澳门赌场在线娱乐手杖 或者直接被告知性行为不端的教职员工 or indirectly, should immediately report the information to one of the 第九条澳门赌场在线娱乐.

澳门赌场在线娱乐所有学生和员工举报的不当性行为都得到了解决 through the Equal Opportunity, Harassment, and Nondiscrimination Policy. 这些和 相关政策包括:

Additional policies and procedures can be found on our 消费者信息页.

四项联邦法律要求学院和大学的雇员报告某些 types of crimes and incidents, especially sexual misconduct.

The Clery Act, Title VII, the Violence Against Women Act, and Title IX.

These federal laws have different purposes, but are generally intended to protect 反对犯罪和歧视行为,特别是对大学生 或者大学校园.

联邦法律及资源 外部网站